
Status update

Happy birthday to my dear sister Angah @ FAFA (that is if she opens this blog.. kah2)
Starting today this blog is going to have a MASSIVE :) renovation. Huhu.. Pleae be patient ye! Any suggestion is welcome.
You know how to contact me.. XOXO.. polkapolka :)

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Slimmerz Capsule - Mengubah Statistik Berat Badan Manusia

Slimmerz Capsule
Price: RM350 RP/ RM295 MP
250mg x 60 capsules

Hi, so.. hari ni turn Slimmerz Capsule pulak.

I'm sure memang dah banyak info pasal SNE products ni out there kan.. especially bila google jer, thousands posts will be listed out.

Well.. takpe.. we all pun nak add to the list. Hehehe.. it's good research :)

Produk Yang Mengubah Kualiti Berat Badan Manusia
  • Dirumuskan dengan kombinasi pati tumbuhan semula jadi yang berkualiti
  • Dihasil berasaskan yang terkini.
  • Menguraikan lemak dengan pantas
  • Mengasingkan gula berlebihan di dalam darah dan pembentukan sel lemak yang baru.
  • Menghapuskan lemak berlebihan di bahagian pinggang
  • Menyingkirkan isi badan badan berlebihan di bahagian perut
  • Menghapuskan himpunan lemak dibahagian punggung
  • mempercepatkan penguraian lemak dibahagian peha
  • Selamat, stabil dan berkesan.
Denganberasaskan Teori Sel-sel Adipos, Kapsul Slimmerz menyingkirkan radikal bebas dengan pantas, mengaktifkan Mitokondria untuk menghasilkan tenagadan mengeimbangkan Sel-sel Lemak Penyimpan & Sel-sel Lemak penghasil tenaga demi mencapai kelangsingan.
  1. Meningkatkan penguraian tisu lemak
  2. Produk pelangsingan badan yang berkesan, sihat dan selamat
  3. Melangsingkan dan menyahtoksikkan badan, melicinkan kulit
  4. Melindungi otot dan mengekalkan kandungan air dalam badan, menyelaraskan kadar metabolismetisu adipos
  5. Menyingkirkan lemak tanpa mengurangkan kandungan air, tidak mengakibatkan cirit-birit atau memudaratkan organ dalaman
Prinsip pengaktifan 5 kali ganda yang unik. Ia dapat mengaktifkan enzim lemak dan mencapai kadar penguraian lemak sehingga 32 kali ganda berbanding dengan sebelumnya
Selepas penggunaan produk selama20 minit, ia dapat diserap dengan segera oleh tubuh badan danmenambahkan rembesan TGE dibahagian tubuh badan yang mempunyai himpunanlemak
Pati tumbuhan semulajadi yang diekstrak denganbio-teknologi ini dapat memutuskan 'rantai penyerapan dan penghadaman'lemak dengan segera
Membetulkan metabolisme molekul lemakyang terganggu dibahagian tertentu atau secara keseluruhannya. Iamenguraikan sel lemak lebihan yang terkumpul dan mengawal pembentukanlemak baru
Penyelarasan metabolisme molekul lemak secarakeseluruhan, menambahkan kandungan air yang diperluhan oleh tubuhbadan, meningkatkan keanjalan dan kehalusan kulit
Mencantikan payu dara, punggung dan kulit. Memperbaiki peredaran darah, vena varikos dan membentuk ukuran badan yang menarik
  • Tiada kesan sampingan
  • Harga berpatutan
  • Melangsing tanpa sebarang tekanan
  • Kulit tidak menggeleber
  • Tidak perlu berdiet
  • Mudah dan pantas
  • Penyahtoksikan
  • Rawatan
  • Konsolidasi
  • Tanpa ciri-birit
  • Tanpa berdiet
  • Tanpa rebound
  • SNE KAPSUL - Membekalkan khasiat, memperbaiki genetik, menyingkirkan radikal bebas, mengimbangkan hormon
  • EXCEL TEA - Menyingkirkan toksin, mengurangkan lemak
  • Pemakanan yang seimbang. Tingkatkan pengambilan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan
  • Bersenam dengan kerap
  • Emosi jaga. Selalu bersikap optimistik

Hari 10 hingga Hari 20
  • Buncit, pinggang dan punggung makin berubah, terasa haba mengalir di dalam badan,
  • lemak dipecahkan dengan pantas. Berat badan mengurang 2 kg hingga 3kg, ukuran pinggang mengurang 2 cm hingga 6 cm.
Hari 20 hingga Hari 30:
  • Mukamenjadi merah dan putih, badan menjadi langsing. Berat badan mengurang2 kg hingga 3 kg lagi, ukuran pinggang mengurang 2 cm hingga 6 cm lagi.
Hari 30 hingga Hari 60:
  • Memasuki peringkat ke-2. Slimmerz Capsule meningkatkan metabolisme lemak dan menyekatsel-sel lemak baru terbentuk. Membina keseimbangan di antarapengambilan dan penyerapan khasiat. Berat badan mengurang 2 kg hingga 6kg.
Hari 60 hingga Hari 90:
  • Memasuki peringkat konsolidasi. Slimmerz Capsule mengeimbangkan sel-sel lemak penyimpan dan
  • sel-sellemak penghasil tenaga. Lemak darah dikurangkan. Selepas berat badan ideal tercapai, ambil 1 kapsul setiap hari untuk 3 bulan.
  1. Berat badan yang ideal
  2. Peningkatan kesihatan


2 kapsul selepas makan pagi

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Artists, celebrities and SNE products

So.. artists, celebrities.. and SNE products,
Ok.. you may have already know..

Adira AF

Isma AF


but do you know.. that they also have started taking SNE and beutskin? Haaa.. yes its true!

Khaty Azian

Lisa Surihani

Scha al Yahya

and.. even footballer takes on SNe products tau!

Footballer: Mat Yo (Kelantan)
next entry citer pasal ni ok!

So.. apa lagi.. no need to wait for other celebs to come out, you can prove that it works for you too!
PM us ok!

Di sebalik nama polka polka


So, di sebalik nama polka polka..
hehe.. kami lah!

Hi! My name is Fafa
This is my contact no: 011-2882-1301
Wanna know more about products sold here..
whatsapp or text msg me ok!

Hi! My name is Fazz
Saya lah tukang mengupdatekan blog nih :)
Any typing error ke.. sorry yek!
This is my contact no: 012-323-5628
Wanna know more about products sold here..
whatsapp or text msg me ok!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Rebond Essence - Mengubah Statistik Penyakit Tulang Manusia

Rebond Essence
Price: RM242 RP/ RM198 MP
500mg X 60 capsule

"Mengubah Statistik Penyakit Tulang Manusia"

Rebone Essence diformulasi dan dikembangkan dengan teliti oleh sekumpulan pakar yang terkenal daripada Yuhangren Hi-Tech Industrial Co. Ltd Inner Monolia dengan kerjasama daripada Persatuan Kanser Amerika Syarikat dan Universiti Fudan di Shanghai selama 10 tahun.

Rebone Essence dihasilkan sepenuhnya dari komponen tumbuh-tumbuhan dengan menggunakan teknik pengesktrakan superkritikal CO2. Ia digabungkan dengan minyak biji Seabuckthorn liar Mongolia Dalam dan unsur-unsur herba Cina demi membekalkan penjagaan yang mendalam dan intensif untuk sendi-sendi yang rosak , melegakan masalah tulang dari akar umbinya dan memulihkan kesihatan tulang. Beribu-ribu ujian klinikal telah menghasilkan kesan yang menakjubkan.

4 Keunikan Utama
•Formula Sempurna, Manafaat yang ketara
•Pendekatan Terbaru untuk Penjagaan Tulang
•Tulen dan diaktifkan untuk Penyerapan yan Pantas
•Dikilang dengan Teknologi Canggih yang mematuhi Piawaian Antarabangsa, Selamat dan Boleh Dipercayai.

Keberkesanan :-

3 hari
Melegakan ketakselesaan akibat Artritis dan Sakit Sendi

30 hari
Memulihkan tisu rawan yang rosak demi meningkatkan pergerakan sendi

3 bulan
Memulihkan tisu sendi yang rosak dan menggalakkan penghasilan semula kolagen tulang.

Pengambilan Jangkamasa Panjang
Meningkat kepadatan dan memulihkan kesihatan tulang.

4 Langkah untuk Tulang yang Sihat
•Langkah 1 - Melegakan Simpton Artritis.
•Langkah 2 - Memulihkan Tisu Rawan.
•Langkah 3 - Memelihara Rawan Tulang.
•Langkah 4 - Meningkatkan Kepadatan Tulang.

Individu yang sesuai adalah:-1.Penghidap Artritis, Artritis reumatoid dan Taji tulang.

2.Penghidap kondromalasia patella, penyakit berkait vertebra serviks, sinovitis, bursitis, peroartritis, tenosinovitis dan sista ganglion.

3.Mengalami pening, sakit kepala, palpitasi, sakit leher dan bahu, cenderung terseliuh dan memiliki mobiliti terbatas.

4.Menderita sakit pinggang dan kembung, khasnya ketika bangun pagi atau akibat postur sedentari berpanjangan.

5.Individu yang berkaki ayam dirumah, gemar mandi dan minum air sejuk serta yang mengamalkan gaya hidup yang tidak sihat.

6.Mengamalkan permakanan yang tidak seragam, cerewet memilih makanan dan mengalami defisiensi kalsium dan nutrien.

Click here for English

Relian Fiber Mascara

Salam and hi girlfriends!!

Stock for Relian Mascara dah habis. Huhu.. Alhamdulillah sangat, syukur pada Allah. Although we all baru je start buat business ni, alhamdulillah stock yang dibeli for Relian Fiber Mascara ni dah habis. Hehe.. memang hangat sungguh!

We're getting more stock now. So, pre-order is open!
Harga for Pre-Order is RM45. (If ada discount nanti we all update ye!)
Pre order ni until end of November tau. 
So, tick tock tick tock!
Don't miss the clock!

Price: RM50 (RP RM60)
Pos Laju shipping : RM6 (SM), RM8.60 (SW), RM9.30 (SA)
Ordinary mail: RM4 (SM). RM5.50 (SS)

Felinna Inch Loss Lotion

Felinna Inch Loss Lotion

Hi you all!

Pheww.. baru je amik product Felinna Inch Loss Lotion ni.. tapi yang ni untuk kegunaan sendiri je dulu.. kalau berkesan baru we all jual tau.. :p
Tunggu yek! nanti we all buat before and after.. real punyer.. hehehe..
tapi if you nak try gak lotion ni, pm kitorang ye..

contact info cam biasa..
Fafa : 011-2882-1301
Fazzy : 012-323-5628

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Membership benefits

Salam and hi everyone,

[P0lka P0lka] - We are a registered distributor and registered mobile stockist for SNE products.

With a purchase of any SNE products, we will register you as member with SNE Marketing Sdn. Bhd. Which is why.. we ask for your detail during your first purchase.

IC number
Mailing address
Phone number
Marital status
Spouse name (if married)
Spouse IC number
Spouse phone number

Why? <-- you'd ask :)

With SNE Marketing Sdn. Bhd., a registered member means a registered SNE Distributor (SD). Which means, you are allowed to sell SNE products to your family, friends, acquaintance, etc and register them as members.

What does selling SNE products give you?
A retail profit of RM40 for first purchase.

Only? <-- you'd ask :)

Not just that..
You will also get a bonus cheque from SNE Marketing Sdn. Bhd.
(Contact us for more detail)
  1. Group Performance Bonus - 16%
  2. Manager Development Bonus - 22%
  3. Manager Security Bonus - 2%
  4. JM Profit Sharing - 1%
  5. BM Profit Sharing - 1%
  6. SM Profit Sharing - 1%
  7. National Profit Sharing - 2%
  8. Stockist - 7%
Which brings a total bonus payout of 52%
with terms and conditions of course! Not gonna lie to you.

To keep the bonus cheque coming monthly, you have to keep maintaing at least one SNE product each month. Which, is not a problem since you will be happy with the results and would want to continue consuming SNE product kan? :) and even want to try out other SNE products kan? Hehe... :)

With SNE, you will not just get to live a healthier life, you can also grow a business, an income on the side. 

So come and join us!

Contact us if you have any question at all ok!
Note: This is NOT some MLM pyramid stuff ok. Trust us!

with Polka Polka
for SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd
on SNE, Beutskin, Artecardy, ETC
012-323-5628 (fazzy)
011-2882-1301 (fafa)
fb: Polka polka Beutskin

Health Guide - Why do humans fall sick? Why do they age?

Before anything, let me say that I am a Muslim. And as Muslims, we believe that qada' dan qadar adalah ketentuan Allah swt, same as hidup dan mati kita di dunia ini telah pun ditetapkan oleh-Nya.

Tapi still, tak salahkan if we take care of ourselves mean while? :) In fact, if we take care of ourselves better, we will be able to live better.

So allow me to share with you some guide on health ye..

Every form of life in this universe shall go through life marked by stages of birth, ageing, illness, and finally death. We, humans are no exception.

Biologists estimate that the life-span of a life form is as long as 5-7 times of its growth period.

So for us (manusia :)), normally our wisdom tooth will come out when we are at about 25years old. So, taking that as reference, the life span of human beings should be in the range of 125-175 years. 

Tapi., do we know anybody who lives that long, in this century?

Beese Cooper from Georgia
116 years old (2012)
Official Guiness World Book of Records: Oldest person in the world

When we're 25, wisdom tooth comes out. When we reach 30, illnesses emerge. When 40 comes, we start to worry about signs of ageing. When 50 kicks in, tissue degeneration starts to kick in, coupled with weakening body functions, declining metabolism rate, and weakening immune system. So by then when we reach 60, we are probably burdened by all kids of diseases and symptoms of ageing, which could lead to an early death.

So why do we fall sick? and why do we age?

Ada banyak factors! more than 300 theories from scientists and experts from all over the world.

External reasons

  • Food pollution
  • Stress
  • Misuse of Chemicals
  • Environmental pollution
  • Lack of exercise
  • Irregular lifestyle
Internal reasons

  • hereditary factor
  • cells mutation
  • free radicals attack
  • decline in endocrine functions
  • weakening immune system
  • apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Let's ask ourselves this question:

Would you still be healthy and full of vitality when you are 120 years old?

Is there a substance that can 
  • Eliminate free radicals
  • Eliminate carious harmful toxins
  • Enhance the regeneration ability of cells
  • Promote metabolism
  • Boost immune functions
  • Regulate endocrine system
  • Replenish nutrients essential to the human body
  • Promotes better blood circulation
  • Strengthen renal functions
  • Strengthen bones ?
If such substance does exist, if it is found, coupled with a better living environment, would humans be able to live up to 120 years? Scientists says YES. I say.. InshaaAllah YES!

SNE Natural Essence
paves  your way to good health!

RM220 (SP) RM180 (MP)
Min: 2 capsules (am)
Max: 2 capsules (am), 2 capsules (pm)
to be taken with empty stomach
Contact us for more detail:
012-323-5628 (fazzy)
011-2882-1301 (fafa)
fb: Polka polka Beutskin

Friday, 16 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah

Salam Maal Hijrah to all Muslim brothers and sisters!

Maaf sangat2 for the late wish!! My Zyan was down with fever, so saya tak sempat nak update blog, fb, twitter dan sebagainya.

Hati sangat tidak tenteram bila baby demam panas.. rasa macam nak letak sensor thermometer je kat his ears.. So that bila temperature reaches 38deg, alarm will start screaming. hehe.. chop.. ada ke this invention like this?

Anyway.. sempena pengertian maal hijrah ini.. saya doakan supaya segala usaha kita tahun lalu diterima dan diberkati olehNya. Hopefully for this year, Allah s.w.t. tetap kan imam kita, bimbing kita untuk menjadi hambaNya yang soleh, lebih soleh dr last yr. :)

*picture credits from

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Membership card

Hi you all!!

Guess what just arrived in my mailbox? Tadaaa!! My SNE membership card! Yeyy!! So, to all our dearest customers, jangan risau ok! Don't worry, your membership card will reach your door step soon!

Yang belum jadi member.. Ape lagi? Jomler!! 💘

Monday, 12 November 2012

Apa beza SNE dan Beutskin

SNE ni macam makanan 'wajib' dalam produk SNE Marketing sebelum kita cuba produk rangkaian yang lain. Badan kita terdedah kepada penyakit kerana persekitaran, pemakanan, dan lain-lain. Dan tanda-tanda penyakit itu hanya muncul di peringkat ke dua iaitu peringkat pertengahan, badan dah mula protes dengan sakit-sakit, lenguh-lenguh, pening, lesu dan malas. Kiranya macam SNE ni membantu menyelesaikan masalah ini sebelum dibantu oleh BE dalam menyelesaikan masalah kulit.

Maksud saya disini, kedua duanya mempunyai kandungan buah seabuckhtorn tetapi SNE mengandungi kandungan buah seabuckhtorn lebih tinggi (100%) berbanding BE (30%). BE pula kandungannya lebih untuk khasiat bagi kulit.

Katakanlah seseorang itu mempunyai masalah/penyakit lain dalam badan, SNE akan merawat segala masalah dalam badannya dahulu tetapi kalau dia hanya ambil BE sahaja, BE tak mampu nak rawat masalah dalam badan dia dengan kandungan buah seabukhtorn yang rendah.

Jadi, kesan pada kulit tak berapa nak berkesan la sebab masalah dalam badan belum dapat diselesaikan dahulu. Jadi,cara makan perlulah betul dan kesannya bergantung pada individu. Paling lama diambil adalah 3 bulan.

Jadi inilah sebab kenapa kami sarankan pengambilan keduanya :)

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Excel Tea

Excel Tea
3g x 30 sachets
Price: RM90 (RP) / RM75 (MP)

Consumption: 1 sachet daily,
serve with hot water

*can be used as facial mask*
(ask us how :))

SNE Excel Tea is made from natural plants such as hawthorn fruit, corn stigma, seabuckthorn leaf and aloe vera which are beneficial to the human body. Its active nutrient substances are extracted using modern technology, and are unpolluted, without any known side effects.
It is capable of removing toxins and heavy metals from the body, which will help reduce pigmentation, promote a radiant complexion, eliminate excessive fat and improve overall health.

Main Ingredients

  1. Hawthorn Fruit (Frutus Crataegus Pinnatifida) - Commonly used to reduce fat, aids in the digestion of meat, promotes fat decomposition, reduces plasma lipid, blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  2. Corn Stigma (Stigma Maydis) – Has strong dieresis functions, inhibits protein excretion, promotes bile secretion, reduces the thickness and contents of bilirubin, lower plasma lipid, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and reduces fluid retention in the body (detumescence)
  3. Seabuckthorn Leaf (Hippophae Rhamnoides Leaf) – Contains flavonoids and tannins, moisturizes the skin and enhances cellular metabolism
  4. Aloe Vera – Neutralizes toxins, promote cell regeneration and improve blood circulation. Aids in liver detoxification, purifies skin and enhances metabolism. It also helps to prevent freckles, spots, sunburn and wrinkles 
Main Features
  1. Cleanses the blood and detoxifies the body
  2. Clear and Revitalizes
  3. Slimming and beautifies
  4. Bi-directional regulating effects
  1. Removes internal toxins
  2. Removes external toxins
  3. Reduce blood lipids
  4. Protects the liver and gall bladder
  5. Resists viruses
  6. Improve skin texture
  7. Remove fats and aids in slimming
  8. Delays the onset of ageing
Suitable for
  1. Excess internal heat (sore eyes, inflammed laryx, toothache, mouth ulcels, bitter taste and dryness of the mouth and constipation
  2. Sluggish detoxification function (pigmentation, bad breath, pale complexion, insomnia, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, hepatic and gall disorders, obesity and hemorrhoids
Effects of Excel Tea
1st course treatment (Between 2~20days)
Alleviation in constipation with the removal of much of the wastes (stubborn stools); Removal of excessing heat from the liver, stomach, gall bladder, heart and lungs; Significant improvement in one's physique with increased appetite;
Healing reactions experienced in existing ailments

2nd course treatment (Between 10~30days)
Removal of excessive toxins within the intestines with the regulation of bowel movements; Cleansing of the blood begins and the skins becomes more lustrous and smooth; Health is regulated with improved appetite and body feels more at ease; 
Condition of ailments are alleviated

3rd course treatment (Between 30~60days)
Excessive toxins within the body are cleared with significant improvement in various conditions such as obesity, high cholesterol, fatty live, hyperlipidemia, cholecystitis and hemorrhoids; Improved immune functions and resistance against viruses;
Activation of body cells with the removal of free radicals, couple with significant anti-ageing effects and regeneration of cells.

Make room for beauty polka!


We bringing in more beauty stuff @p0lkap0lka! Honk!

There's already Relian Fiber Mascara (a-must-have in your makeup bag!)

Now we have Miss Rose!! yeezzzaaa!!
Don't miss out! Choose your colour now!

Miss Rose Lipsticks
Shipping option:
Pos laju - RM6 (SM), RM8.60 (Sw), RM9.30 (Sb)
Normal non-standard mail - max RM3.50

Shades available:
7 - Sold
10 - Sold
11 - Sold
13 - Sold
14 - Sold
15 - Sold
16 - Sold
17 - Sold
20 - Sold
23 - Sold
24 - Sold

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Artercardy Essence

500mg x 60 softgel capsule
Retail Price : RM230
Members Price : RM190

3 Major Factors
  • -Blood Vessel Life Factor
  • -Brain Enhancer Factor
  • -Heart Life Factor

Artercardy EssenceIntegrates both medical theories of “co-therapy of the heart and brain” and “insufficient blood supply is the source of all diseases”. Protects and repair nervous cells, inhibits death of nervous cells, protects endothelial cells of blood vessel’s wall and myocardial cells, promotes regeneration of vascular anastomosis, improves microcirculation, lowers the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. (by reducing plasma lipid and blood viscosity as well as stabilizing blood pressure.)


Seabuckthorn Seed OilEradicates excess free radicals in the body, strengthens body’s immune function, regulates and repairs active immune cells of the body, enhances resistance of body against diseases, regulates endocrine system.

Grape seed OilPrevent and treats cardiovascular diseases, lowers cholesterol serum and blood pressure, resist free radicals and anti-aging.

Semen Carthamus Tinctorius Oil
Prevent deposition of serum cholesterol within blood vessel’s wall, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Semen Glycine Max Extract
Reduces hyperlipidemia and high cholesterol, and thus prevents arteriosclerosis, promotes cerebral development and enhance memory.

Flaxseed OilRegulates the 3 “High” (high plasma lipid, high blood pressure, high blood glucose), prevents cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, inhibits celebral hemorrhage, reduces invasiveness of pathogens, prevents prostatitis effectively.

Ganoderma Lucidum Spore OilProtect the liver, fights against unhealthy cells, inhibits synthesis of cholesterol, anti-oxidant and anti-virus.

Semen Cassiae Obtusifolia
Has effects of regulating immunity, antibacterial, prevent cancerous, lowering blood pressure, regulating plasma lipid, visual-enhancing and laxative.

Folium Apocyni Veneti
Increases contractibility of heart, dilates blood vessel, reduces plasma lipid and blood pressure, prevents hardening of myocardium and coronary artery and anti-aging.


-Has unique function on softening hardened blood vessel
-Assists in lowering blood pressure, plasma lipid and blood viscosity
-Effectively restores damage from hypertension on targeted organs
-Acts directly on blood vessels and visceral organs without rebound
-100% bio-active ingredients and has fast effects
-Alleviates signs and symptoms as well as the root cause for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Effects of Artercardy Essence

1st course treatment

Therapeutic period : 1 – 10 days
Eliminates toxin in the blood and stabilizes blood pressure

2nd course treatment
Restorative period : 30 – 60 days
Conditions visceral organs and softens hardened blood vessels

3rd course treatment

Consolidation period : after 60 days
Reduces plasma lipid and maintains blood pressure

6 Major characteristics of Artercardy Essence
  • -Breakdown lipid molecules, rapidly dissolve thrombus within blood vessels
  • -Activate brain cells, restore neurotransmission systems
  • -Restore body function and enhance memory
  • -Clear off obstruction in blood vessels, resolve blood stasis, reduce blood viscosity
  • -Concentrated plant essence which is absorbed rapidly and produces excellent effect
  • -Regular consumption reassures improvement without recurrence

Monday, 5 November 2012

Yellow discolouration of the skin

Do you know what causes yellow discolouration of the skin?

1. Grease, old keratin and dirt which accumulate on the skin surface for a prolonged period, if not eliminated promptly may diffuse into the inner layers of the skin, causing the skin to become coarse and dull yellow, in addition to loss of skin lustre and elasticity;

2. Air pollution in urban areas leads to skin oxidation, causing our skin's natural enzymes and detoxification system to work sluggishly. As a result, toxins accumulate on the surface of the skin and cannot be excreted normally, thus causing our skin to turn yellow;

3. Low-quality skin care products which contain harmful chemical substances such as lead, mercury, etc may cause the skin to turn dull and yellow;

4. Dietary negligence, excessing consumption of vegetables and fruits containing yellow, orange or black pigments for a prolonged period can lead to carotenemia, causing the skin to turn a pale yellow-red colour;

5. Impaired blood circulation also causes yellow skin discolouration. The condition of the liver directly affects the blood; whereby a 'heaty' liver or liver-'qi' stagnation will impair blood circulation and, the repair and rejuvenation of the skin. Thus, the skin appears dull and sallow;

6. The harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin are irreversible. Long-term exposure to sunlight weakens the skin's ability in protecting itself against free radicals, slow down metabolism and darkens the skin complexion by forming yellowish discolouration;

7. Prolonged lack of exercise and poor blood circulation lead to the accumulation of excessive waste goes and waste products within the body, causing the sun to become full, yellow and discoloured;

8. Congenital yellow skin discolouration is hereditary. It is determined by cytokines in the blood;

9. Prolonged late nights, unhealthy living habits and constant sleep deprivation will also cause skin discolouration. Late nights and inadequate rest will cause the liver and bile ducts to function sluggishly, resulting in coarse, yellowish skin with dark spots;

10. Besides that, chronic smokers or those who are on certain stimulant medications will suffer from dull, lock lustre and yellowish skin

Wanna skin that is so gebu feeling? *oink*oink*

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Welcoming November

(picture credits from welcometomyparadiseangel)

November in the States reminds me of..
One, fall season, or the more formal term, autumn season where orange leaves bloom on trees and make a wonderful sight or mess (when they fall) as we stroll along the streets and parks.
Two, Thanksgiving day - coz we all gets a day off
Three, Purdue Football game -
Lastly, Thanksgiving day +1 - the clearance sale!

Here, in KL.. no.. we don't have that.. November reminds me that October is over, and that December will come. And I only have one month left to realize my new year resolution! Erk.. :)

So what does November bring to p0lkap0lka?

well well.. let's see..
first off..
we've got the Relian Fiber Mascara all in stock!!
So.. those who have pre-ordered it with us, thank you very very much.
Standby ye! The mascara will arrive at your doorstep soon!
If you have missed out the pre-order period, that's OK coz we've got LOTS!

Price: RM50 (RP RM60)
Pos Laju shipping : RM6 (SM), RM8.60 (SW), RM9.30 (SA)
Ordinary mail: RM4 (SM). RM5.50 (SS)

number two..

November special @p0lkap0lka

Free 1 sachet of Excel Tea with purchases of

  • any SNE at RP  or
  • RM220 and above

number three..
that is something we're still working on..
let you know soon!!

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