
Status update

Happy birthday to my dear sister Angah @ FAFA (that is if she opens this blog.. kah2)
Starting today this blog is going to have a MASSIVE :) renovation. Huhu.. Pleae be patient ye! Any suggestion is welcome.
You know how to contact me.. XOXO.. polkapolka :)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Rosecun - kejelitaan aura wanita

Salam jumaat semua :)

Now polka da jadi agen untuk product rosecun "kejelitaan aura wanita" ❤

For now rosecun ada 3 products:
💜 Sabun kolagen perawan
💜 Sabun susu beras wangi cun
💜 Krim malam cun

Sabun kolagen perawan:
• menegangkan kulit
• menghilangkan kedutan
• menghilangkan jeragat
• mencerahkan kulit
• mengatasi masalah pigmentasi
• hilangkan kesan parut/jerawat
• mencantikkan kulit kelihatan seperti awet muda

Sabun susu beras wangi cun:
• menggebukan kulit
• mencerahkan kulit
• menghaluskan kulit
• menskatakan warna kulit
• melicinkan kulit
• menghilangkan jerawat
• atasi masalah jeragat & pigmentasi
• mengindahkan kulit
• boleh mencerahkan bahagian2 gelap pada sekitar tubuh

Krim malam cun:
• mengandungi ekstrak susu beras
• vitamin C & E yang mampu mencantikkan
• memutih, menghalus & melicin serta meremajakan kulit wajah dengan amat berkesan!
• kesan pengambilan boleh dilihat selepas 7 hari

Any questions,
Contact me ok!
Fazzy 0123235628
Nina 0173850019

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Fan meeting with Beutskin ambassador

This just in!

Mark your calendar beautifuls!

Meet Scha Alyahya ❤
12 noon - 1 pm
Sungei Wang Plaza, KL

Contact Fazzy at 012-3235628 for more info!

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Salam semua :)

This time polkapolka set booth at UIAM pulak..(pun my first time jejak kaki kat sini). They were organizing a carnival (SRC carnival), and we teamed up with our partner Darlina.

To those who have dropped by, thank you so much! It was really an exciting week for us. For those who have missed out visiting our booth, do drop by next week okay! Location have changed, we're still in UIAM, but will be on the other side near the masjid. Nanti I update photo ye.. Hehe..

Through out our one week stay ni, many students dropped by to ask about sne products. Apparently, MANY of them students are consuming it!👍 Hebat!! Tapi the sedih part is when they told us that they've been paying for the products at sales price. 😱

Dear all of YOU,
Please don't be fooled and get cheated from some of the dishonest people out there!

Lifetime free membership comes along with the first purchase of SNE products at sales price.
I repeat..
Lifetime free membership comes along with the first purchase of SNE products at sales price.

It is just the matter whether the person whom you buy the products from is gonna register it for you or not.. Tu je.

Siapa yang honest, they will register you. Yang tak honest, dia tak register.

Bila you beli product SNE, if u new customer they will ask, at least the following detail from you:
⭕Full name
⭕Ic no
⭕Mailing address
⭕Phone number

If they tak minta this detail maksud nye dia tak kan register you lah as member.

Now, what's the benefit registering for membership?
1. You get to buy next purchase at member's price
2. When your accumulative GPV is more than 300 (bila u dah beli more than 2 kotak) the company will send a bonus cheque to you ( that's why kena provide accurate mailing address)
3. Get invited to the company's health and media events
4. Receive updated health related information
5. Receive free trainings to venture into business with SNE
6. Many more!

So, be cautions when you purchase ok!

Simply call, text or whatsapp me
Fazzy @ 012 323 5628
I'm on fb, tweeter and IG as well.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Duta SNE

Believe it or not.. Although I live in KL, 3.Apr was my first time setting foot at Publika. Lol! Rupanya it was just behind or near where my dad used to work. Dulu2 I always follow him to work.. So familiar la jugak that area although now dah Ada flyovers etc.

Anyway, what was I doing there? Yes.. Duta signing event press conference. (Bangga pulak dapat pegi press conference.. Lol.. My first jugak ni..Rasa cam MEDIA pulak)

It was an event by invitation only (wah.. lagi kembang 😆). Thanks to my upline and perhaps my level at SNE has qualified me to this event. Anyway, thanks a lot! Dapat jugak pegi tengok press conference. Further more I brought my Zyan with me.. Siap bf kat situ.. Syukur the lighting was rather dark and gloomy 😊 Such a good boy.. Towards the end je he suddenly cried non stop that I had to leave the room.

So who's the duta? It's Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszafar! Yes.. That's right, the astronaut. He actually first heard about SNE back during his astronaut training in Russia. (Not surprising coz SNE is made of wild seabuckthorn from inner Mongolia.. So.. Quite nearby to Russia juga lah kan..) "the Russians really took care all of us. If you wanna go the space, you cannot be in a sick condition, not even a sore throat! So when I was there, we were given supplements and medical attention which now I think about it, sne capsule would probably had been one of them"

One of the things he said yang stuck in my head is that (it goes something like this) "I don't normally endorse a brand because I'm particularly very selective of that. But I have done my research and I am endorsing sne!" 😍

A media rep asked how did he feel when he first consumed sne capsule? He answered "it was tasteless, some of other supplement, you can taste the yucky-ness but sne capsule was tasteless to me. I didn't feel anything, only after the 5th day that I realized that I feel better. As you know, I am a doctor, and we do medical checkup every month. So from the result I can see that my immune system has strengthen."

So the you go peeps! An official endorsement by a medical doctor!

So don't be wary anymore, believe in the magical on super nutrient essence okay! In shaa Allah!

Bazaar GLAM Feeya Fariesya - Post review

Hi all,

So last weekend polkapolka joined a bazaar organized by Feeya Fariesya Event : Bazaar GLAM Feeya Fariesya, which was held at TeSCo Ampang (the parking lot compound area). Since this was our first 'bazaar appearance', we couldn't compare much. But one thing for sure, it was so exhausting ok! If we had many traffics, it would not have been that tiring, but since less traffic.. tu yang terasa sangat penatnya.. as if tak worth it je bukak booth but not many came.. As if je.. Don't take it wrong tau :)! Sengal satu badan.. Lepas ni goona book 2 sessions at spa Artiyana, (aiseh, da lama tak gi situ)

Anyway, lesson learnt :)

Managed to distribute our biz card (uh shy shy pun tinggal quarter je lagi biz card tu) and collect some biz cards from customers.

Made networking with some of them yang buka booth.. Tu penting tu.. :) they were all friendly siap bagi tips lagi.. Hopefully we'll meet again at another bazaar ye!

For those yang dapat our biz card and managed to get to this blog shop, thank you very much!! Do follow us okay! We're also on tweeter @p0lka0lka and IG @MsFazzy81 (currently using my personal IG)

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