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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Health Guide - Why do humans fall sick? Why do they age?

Before anything, let me say that I am a Muslim. And as Muslims, we believe that qada' dan qadar adalah ketentuan Allah swt, same as hidup dan mati kita di dunia ini telah pun ditetapkan oleh-Nya.

Tapi still, tak salahkan if we take care of ourselves mean while? :) In fact, if we take care of ourselves better, we will be able to live better.

So allow me to share with you some guide on health ye..

Every form of life in this universe shall go through life marked by stages of birth, ageing, illness, and finally death. We, humans are no exception.

Biologists estimate that the life-span of a life form is as long as 5-7 times of its growth period.

So for us (manusia :)), normally our wisdom tooth will come out when we are at about 25years old. So, taking that as reference, the life span of human beings should be in the range of 125-175 years. 

Tapi., do we know anybody who lives that long, in this century?

Beese Cooper from Georgia
116 years old (2012)
Official Guiness World Book of Records: Oldest person in the world

When we're 25, wisdom tooth comes out. When we reach 30, illnesses emerge. When 40 comes, we start to worry about signs of ageing. When 50 kicks in, tissue degeneration starts to kick in, coupled with weakening body functions, declining metabolism rate, and weakening immune system. So by then when we reach 60, we are probably burdened by all kids of diseases and symptoms of ageing, which could lead to an early death.

So why do we fall sick? and why do we age?

Ada banyak factors! more than 300 theories from scientists and experts from all over the world.

External reasons

  • Food pollution
  • Stress
  • Misuse of Chemicals
  • Environmental pollution
  • Lack of exercise
  • Irregular lifestyle
Internal reasons

  • hereditary factor
  • cells mutation
  • free radicals attack
  • decline in endocrine functions
  • weakening immune system
  • apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Let's ask ourselves this question:

Would you still be healthy and full of vitality when you are 120 years old?

Is there a substance that can 
  • Eliminate free radicals
  • Eliminate carious harmful toxins
  • Enhance the regeneration ability of cells
  • Promote metabolism
  • Boost immune functions
  • Regulate endocrine system
  • Replenish nutrients essential to the human body
  • Promotes better blood circulation
  • Strengthen renal functions
  • Strengthen bones ?
If such substance does exist, if it is found, coupled with a better living environment, would humans be able to live up to 120 years? Scientists says YES. I say.. InshaaAllah YES!

SNE Natural Essence
paves  your way to good health!

RM220 (SP) RM180 (MP)
Min: 2 capsules (am)
Max: 2 capsules (am), 2 capsules (pm)
to be taken with empty stomach
Contact us for more detail:
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011-2882-1301 (fafa)
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